** Best efforts are made to be accurate; town & state ordinance detail supersede. **
Two boat ramps. Keys for ramp use are available for $50 to EO & Isle residents. One card per household. Replacement keys are $200. Overnight parking is not allowed.
Waste Management Site. Keys are available to EO & Isle residents. Two cards maximum per household, each is $50. Replacement cards are also $50, so please take care not damage cards by exposure to heat, water, pressure, chemicals, magnetic fields, or electrostatic discharge.
*Enchanted Isle contracts to use EO Boat Ramps and Waste Management.
Swimming pool. Keys for use may be purchased yearly by EO residents, with the price being set yearly ($100 in 2023). The pool generally opens Memorial Day weekend and closes after Labor Day. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult 18 and over.
Pool Hours:
M-F 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. (ADULTS Only)
M-F 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. (ALL)
Sat - Sun 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. (ALL)
Trailer Parking. Trailers may be parked, by permit only, in a gated area behind the municipal building. Limited spaces are assigned on a “first come, first served” basis for EO homeowners.
Playground and sports field. The town provides a playground near the swimming pool and a baseball/soccer field near the municipal building.
Please return all amenity keys to the Town Hall before moving away from Enchanted Oaks.
Note: At a future date, yearly fees may be established in order to continue offering these services.
ATVs are not allowed on Town streets.
Building & Maintenance
With the exception of some city-owned areas, Enchanted Oaks is zoned single family residential. Business buildings are not allowed. Permits are required for most construction work, including driveways, porch/deck, and fences.
Work below the 325-foot flood plain must meet EO and Tarrant Regional Water District code. Contact TRWD to obtain a permit for work below the 325-foot flood plain to include: dredging, filling, retaining walls, boat docks, accessory buildings.
The city participates in Flood Plain Management programs. Property owners should obtain elevation surveys to determine insurance requirements.
Building Code Highlights
Contact Town Hall to obtain a building permit BEFORE starting a project. Allow time in your schedule to work through the permitting process and to schedule inspections/remediations.
A building official can help you understand code requirements. Some of the major requirements are listed below, but this is NOT an all-inclusive list.
- Permits are required for most construction work. When in doubt, ask.
*exceptions: roof repair/replace with like materials, painting and other routine maintenance
- Solar Installations do not require permits. Licensed contractors, electricians, and plumbers must be used.
- Irrigation/sprinkler systm Installations do not require permits. Licensed contractors, electricians, and plumbers must be used.
- Road Use Permits are required for heavy trucks.
- Permits are required before removing healthy trees from empty lots.
- Noise ordinances restrict construction from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
- Topography and drainage plans are required for new builds, significant remodels, and driveways.
- A single detached accessory building is allowed per residence. This may be on the lot with your residence or on your adjacent lot. Size and other restrictions apply. Carports & RV Covers are considered accessory buildings.
- A detached accessory building may not be used as living area.
- Fence height maximum is 4 feet from base to cap.
- Mailboxes and Driveways are the only things allowed on a Right of Way.
- Prefabricated and modular structures are extremely restricted – by zone, placement, etc. These are not allowed in most zones.
- New residences require:
- Minimum 1600 – 2400 square feet of living area, depending on zone. The majority of town is zoned at 1800, larger lots in the north are zoned at 2400. A very limited number of lots are zoned at 1600.
- Professionally engineered foundation.
- Professionally engineered drainage plans.
- Use of licensed contractors.
- Building setbacks.
EO allows burning of yard debris from your property, except during a county Burn Ban. Wind, time of day, and other restrictions apply. Burn barrels are not allowed. See ordinances for details. See Henderson County website for ban status. https://www.henderson-county.com/
Limited, restricted, camping on a residence property is allowed. Camping on a non-residential property is not allowed.
Overnight stays in an RV/Motorhome anywhere in town is prohibited.
Concerns / Suggestions
Please provide any town-related concerns/suggestions that you may have, in writing, to enchantedoaks@enchantedoaks.org. If you prefer, a paper form is available at town hall.
Contact TRWD for concerns below the 325-foot flood plain. (buoys, illegal dumping, failing docks)
Bad actors on the water may be reported to Henderson County Game Wardens (speeding near docks or other illegal, dangerous behavior).
Council Meetings & Process
The Town Council meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Residents are encouraged to attend. Agendas are generally posted on the town hall bulletin board and on this website the prior Friday.
Council Meeting Docments here.
More about Council, Support Team, Process, Communication, and Ordinance Changes here.
Disaster Preparedness
Residents are encouraged to maintain an emergency supply kit, listen to weather reports, and heed warnings.
Weather Alert Sirens are located behind town hall and on First Oak. Sirens are tested monthly just prior to 7 p.m. on the day of council meetings (good weather only, about 5 seconds). Sirens will be activated in the event of a Tornado in the area, whenever possible, running a wavering tone for 3 minutes
In the event of a disaster & phones are not operational, wrap a contrasting color cloth on your front doorknob for assistance.
eMail notifications
Property Owners: be sure your name is on the EO email distribution list by sending your email address to: enchantedoaks@enchantedoaks.org Please include your name & property address. All information is kept confidential.
Fence height maximum is 4 feet from base to cap. Front Yard fences are no longer allowed to be built. Permits are required for fence installs.
Fire & First Responder Services
Services are provided by Payne Springs Volunteer Fire Department, with backup from other area departments. Your property tax line item “Emergency Services District #2” supports PSVFD. To volunteer, contact PSVFD directly.
PSVFD maintains an ISO rating of 4. The town of EO has fire hydrants. Please be aware of the hydrant closest to your home.
A helicopter landing area next to the Police Station is used mainly for air ambulance services as needed for the local area.
Ambulance service is provided by UT Health Southwest.
Fireworks are permitted on private property and the West Boat Ramp during Memorial, New Years, and July 4th holidays only. Exact days and hours are set yearly by the Town Council. If a county burn-ban is in effect, fireworks are not allowed. Extreme caution should be used when handling & disposing of fireworks.
*Fireworks result in serious fires & lost/drowned dogs every year around the lake. Take precautions.
EO is funded primarily by Property Tax Revenue, which is collected through Henderson County. See Henderson-county.com for information about Property Appraisals and Tax Assessment/Collection.
* The bulk of your total property tax payments fund schools & Henderson County.
** Your Enchanted Oaks property tax payments funds roads & drainage, police & code enforcement, court services, town administrative services, waste management, swimming pool, groundskeeping, boat ramps, and trailer parking.
Enchanted Oaks is a town. The streets are public and may not be gated.
Enchanted Isle is not a town, but a gated community, with a property owners association.
Garage Sales
Garage sales are allowed, with restrictions as defined by ordinance.
Golf Carts
Golf carts are allowed. To drive on a town street, the operator must have a Texas driver’s license. Carts must have headlamps, tail lamps, reflectors, parking brake, mirrors, and a slow-moving emblem on the rear.
ATV vehicles are not allowed on town streets.
EO was incorporated in 1974 and is subject to Texas state law. This includes setting tax rates, type of government, elections, terms of office, traffic enforcement, zoning & building.
The Town Council is composed of the Mayor and five Council Members, who are elected for a two-year term. Elections are held the 1st Tuesday in November. If an office is not contested, elections are not necessary. Voters must be registered as residents of Enchanted Oaks.
Mayor, Council Members, and Treasurer positions are strictly volunteer. A city attorney also volunteers services. Groundskeeping and city maintenance is provided by contractors, council & volunteers. To volunteer your services to the town in any capacity, please call the Town Hall at 903-451-2222.
*Volunteer projects include: painting, staining, cleaning, road/sign maintenance, trash pickup.
Noise ordinances are in effect at all times. Property maintenance (yard work, construction) is allowed 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Overhanging Tree Limbs
Property owners are responsible for trimming overhanging limbs to a minimum of 15 feet over the street. See ordinance 216a at www.enchantedoaks.org/ordinances
Parking & Storage of Vehicles
Parking can be a challenge in some areas of town, especially on weekends/holidays. Town ordinances have become a bit complex over the years, but are intended to maintain the atmosphere, residential nature, and safety within the town. Please consider parking your guest overflow at Town Hall or Police Station. Refer to the ordinances for detail, but generally….
- Passenger motor vehicles must be parked on a residence driveway or in the Right of Way.
- ROW parking is restricted to 24 hours. Vehicles parked in ROW must not block traffic, impede emergency vehicles, or damage roadways.
- Dual Axle utility trailers must be open, not enclosed, with a capacity less than 1 ton.
- Vehicles must be in good repair, with current registration/inspection – as required by state law.
- Enclosed trailers are not allowed, with exception for active building permit.
- Motorhomes/RVs/Trailers/Boats may be parked on the driveway of your residence. Limit 3 total, 1 of which may be a motorhome or RV, and 1 of which may be a dual axle utility trailer
- Motorhomes/RVs/Trailers/Boats may be parked on a lot with your residence. These must be placed behind the front build line (usually 25’ from the road). Limit 3 total, 1 of which may be a motorhome or RV, and 1 of which may be a dual axle utility trailer.
- Motorhomes/RVs/Trailers/Boats may be parked on your unimproved lot adjacent to your residence. Limit 3 total, 1 of which may be a motorhome or RV, and 1 of which may be a dual axle utility trailer.
- Trailers/Boats may be parked on your unimproved lot that is not adjacent to your residence. Limit 3 total, 1 of which may be a dual axle utility trailer.
- Grass/weeds around all parked vehicles must be maintained to a max height of 6 inches.
*Overnight stays in an RV/Motorhome anywhere in town is prohibited.
Pets, animals
Some household pets are allowed, with a limit of 3 dogs per household. Farm and other animals are not allowed.
Dogs must be leashed while outside your property. Waste must be bagged & removed. Do not bury pet waste. Do not drop pet waste into the lake.
EO does not provide animal control services except for a suspected rabid animal.
Police Services - dial 911 for emergencies
Services are provided primarily by EO Police Chief Katsoulas, with backup from the County Sheriff’s office and several Police Reserve Officers.
Note that the Police Chief also enforces Enchanted Oaks Codes (property maintenance, parking, etc)
Property Drainage
Residents are responsible for maintaining drainage flow on their property, including drainage on the right of way and easements. Waterfront property owners must allow drainage to the lake. Keep culverts clear and do not allow sediment to build up or risk flooding your property or your neighbors’ properties. The city does provide some culverts that pass under roadways… roads & drainage are a major portion of the yearly town budget.
Property Upkeep
Ordinances detail, at length, requirements for property and structure maintenance. The bottom line is that owners are expected to maintain their property to be safe, sanitary, in good repair, and not “unsightly”.
Lots that do not have a residence do not have grass height requirements, but must be mowed at least once during the month of May or June. A limited number of lots are exempted from this requirement.
All residences must have water, sewer, and electric service.
Enchanted Oaks is in the Eustace school district.
Short Term Rentals
Short Term Rentals (30 days or less) are currently allowed and not licensed or taxed by the city. Homeowners who lease their properties are responsible for ensuring that guests understand and respect all ordinances, especially with respect to traffic laws, noise, animals, fireworks, parking, trash, pool use, and boat launching. If STRs cause excessive issues within town, Council will reconsider and may disallow or otherwise regulate these rentals.
Signs on both public and private property are restricted.
The Enchanted Oaks Ladies Club sponsors social and philanthropic events. The club also maintains a small library at town hall – help yourself to books and other media. Mondays are “game day” at City Hall. To learn more about these & other community events, check the bulletin board at town hall. Town hall is also available, by reservation, for bereavement events.
Some residents use Nextdoor or Facebook to connect. Find links for those groups here.
Street Lights, Guard Lights - reporting outages
Oncor supports street lighting throughout town.
"Street Lights" are billed to the city. Outages may be reported by anyone to: https://www.oncorstreetlight.com/
"Guard Lights" are billed to individual homeowners. Outages must be reported by the owner via phone to: 888.383.6862..
** Owners will see an ESI number and a fixed charge on their statement.
Town Hall
The town hall is generally open for business 9 am to 1 pm Mondays through Thursday. This is a one-person office & is closed as needed. (e.g. holidays, vacations, emergencies). Please phone to confirm the office is open before making a long drive to transact business. Fees may be paid by cash or check only.
The town hall bulletin board is the official posting site for legally required town notices. As a courtesy, this information is often posted at enchantedoaks.org and/or delivered via email.
Oncor provides the electricity delivery service for your selected electric service provider.
East Cedar Creek Fresh Water Supply District provides water and sewer.
*note… most homes have a septic/sewer pump. If the pump fails, waste water can back up into your home. Contact ECCFWSD if your pump fails. Also be aware that pumps are not operational during power outages.
Centurylink & Suddenlink both provide bundled services for telephone, internet and TV.
If you experience any problems with utility service, please contact the appropriate office directly.
There is no natural gas service. Propane is allowed by permit only, and with restrictions.
A Board of Adjustments is available to consider requests for building code variances. More information here.
Waste Management
EO maintains a Waste Management Site (aka dumpster) and contracts with local providers for twice weekly pickup. This provides for an overall less-cluttered look throughout town by consolidating trash in one area.
Dumpsters are for household garbage only. If it doesn’t originate from your home waste bin, it doesn’t belong in a dumpster. Signs clearly delineate illegal items. The area is monitored and fines are issued for misuse. Residents are encouraged to provide license plate numbers along with time/date when illegal dumping is observed. Residents are requested to flatten cardboard boxes before placing in dumpsters – this helps prevent extra charges for overfilled dumpsters and helps prevent temporary site closures. Please help keep this area clean.
Henderson County Precinct 2 refuse site accepts other items for a reasonable fee. This is located about 2 miles south of Eustace on highway 175. Call ahead to be sure they are accepting items. (903) 676-4067