
Office Hours:  Monday - Thursday,  8AM - 12:00PM,  also by appointment. 

Council Meeting: No Council meeting in February.  Next meeting is March 11.  

Council Meetings:  normally second Tuesday of each month, 7 p.m.  Town Hall

    *emergency sirens tested prior to each meeting 

Topics for future council meetings:  Potential changes to ordinances governing:  chickens, mowing.

Changes to Fence Ordinance:  Council passed a new fence ordinance in November.  The 4'  height limit remains & front yard fences will no longer be permitted.  See the full Ordinance 246  here.  


Road Work:  Crack Seal throughout Town Jan 2025; Repairs & Chip Seal planned Q1 2025.  Culvert replacement near Trailwood/Enchanted planned Q1 2025. 

Traffic Calming:  Temporary Stop sign installed at Castlewood/Enchanted.  Permanant sign planned Q1-Q2 2025.  

Waste Site:  Upgrades planned - required changes (card access) as well as aesthetic (fence) and security/enforcement (camera system) changes.  Fees will be charged beginning July 2025.  Use of a trash compactor is being considered.    

Police & Emergency Management:  A satellite phone is being purchased Q1 2025. Multi-purpose Police & City Maintenance truck to be fitted with necessary equipment (lights, etc) Q1-Q2 2025.   

Pool:  Upgrade to filter system planned.  Q1-Q3 2025.   

Older Projects:  here





Call 9-1-1 for emergencies.  Identify yourself as a resident of Enchanted Oaks.
        For non urgent police matters, call the Sheriff's office at 903-675-5128. 
Town Hall, 111 Deerwood Drive
Open Monday through Thursday 8 am to noon and by appointment.
The office is closed for holidays and vacations.  
       * call 903.451.2222 for an appointment or to verify office hours *


